2 of Wands Tarot Card

two wands a person amidst a globe background

The 2 of wands tarot card is a fairly positive card. You are setting out on a journey, one that you are looking forward to and might have even planned out. Now’s the time to stop planning and to take the first step.

I suggest, while looking at this card description, you have your tarot deck in front of you and decide for yourself if you agree with the feelings on this page or if the card represents something entirely different to you.

*The image at the top of the page does not depict all of the feelings represented by a specific tarot deck! You can find other tarot card meanings here!

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2 of wands tarot card

A few words to describe the card:

beginnings, start of a journey, travel, unknown

2 of Wands

The 2 of wands tarot card is a very positive card. This is the second in the wands minor arcana series, so you are still at the beginning. There are many things left to learn about and people to meet.

Especially with the 2 of wands, you are getting prepared to go on a journey. This is similar to the fool in that fashion, but the difference is that with this card, you are prepared. You have planned out where this journey is going to take you, and you cannot wait to start.

This is a path you will travel alone on, as it’s time to go solo. You may feel on top of the world with these plans you have created, and are so excited for something new to begin.

It’s time to head out on this adventure and see what else is out there, instead of waiting for life to happen. Take the first step and something magical might happen. This journey won’t always be easy, nothing ever is. Take the ups with the downs and accept it all. Learn from this experience.

None of this has to be a physical journey either. It could be in your life, in your work, in your mind, anything.

Card Imagery

This tarot card typically has a person standing between the two wands on the card, looking out at what’s in front of them. The person is alone on this card, and there may be a representation of the world on the card. The energy is within the person, and they are likely the center point.

This tarot card typically has a positive attitude associated with it, as this is a journey the character is looking forward to, rather than one they are being forced upon.

2 wands on a tarot card with a globe in the middle

Still Confused?

Still confused about the meanings of the cards? A few tools that have been really helpful for me have been: practice, taking the time to look at each card, read books like Tarot: Learn How to Read and Interpret the Cards by Kim Arnold. Or try out tarot spreads! Try doing a simple reading every day. The Labyrinthos app is really helpful too. Or try some that I’ve created by looking here: Tarot Spreads.

Want other comparisons of tarot cards? Find those here! It might help you better understand how tarot decks are different.

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