The 8 of pentacles represents hard work. In most images, there is a person working on a craft with the pentacles, showing no sign of slowing down. It’s a time to keep the pace and try to enjoy the task.
I suggest, while looking at this card description, you have your tarot deck in front of you and decide for yourself if you agree with the feelings on this page or if the card represents something entirely different to you.
*The image at the top of the page does not depict all of the feelings represented by a specific tarot deck! You can find other tarot card meanings here!
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A few words to describe the card:
Hard work, craft, diligence, detail
8 of Pentacles
The 8 of pentacles is an important card when it comes to work or crafts. It represents a project we can work on, one that takes time and attention to detail to complete. It reminds us that only with hard work can something beautiful be created. Also, how we feel regarding a project changes depending on how much we’ve personally worked on and spent hours laboring over.
It’s a time to put in the effort. The 8th card is nearing the end of the arcana series, which reminds us that we are also close to the end of a project. Our hard work is paying off. If we can continue a bit further, we will be able to sit back and admire. However, this isn’t the time to slow down yet.
It’s the hardest time in the project, because we’re nearing completion. We are so close to finishing a project. It is often a time of stopping and letting go of the project. Because we subconsciously don’t want to be finished with the project, being uncertain of what will come next. But if we do finish, then there is appreciation and we can watch our work grow over time.
This card reminds us to keep working, because we’re so close. It’s the time to focus on the finer details and keep going even if tired. This card typically represents something that we don’t mind doing, an activity that is enjoyable. One we can see the hard work pay off from in the end.

Still Confused?
Still confused about the meanings of the cards? A few tools that have been really helpful for me have been: practice, taking the time to look at each card, read books like Tarot: Learn How to Read and Interpret the Cards by Kim Arnold. Or try out tarot spreads! Try doing a simple reading every day. The Labyrinthos app is really helpful too. Or try some that I’ve created by looking here: Tarot Spreads.