The Inner Strength Mindfulness Journal Prompt

mindfulness journal prompt with "I am enough"

Finding our inner strength and combating our own negative inner monologue is empowering. Use this mindfulness journal prompt to help you create a positive atmosphere inside of your head and heart.

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This inner mindfulness journal prompt is part of the major arcana journal prompt series, and is related to Strength. If you aren’t a tarot person, you can still do this journal prompt! It just goes with the ideas of cycles that is present with the tarot card.

moon of gemini pendulum chart ad

This prompt uses positive quotes and you focus on what aspects you don’t believe in of them, and then get to the root of your insecurities.

Scroll all the way to the bottom for an example of the journal prompt too!

Before you Begin

journal next to a mug and plant

*Please remember this post is meant to act as a guide, not as the only tool you can use. It is not a substitute for professional help. Don’t hesitate to seek further assistance from a professional to work through trauma.

Ensure you are in the right mindset and physical space for this. Try to find a place that where you won’t be interrupted. As this release journal prompt is part of the major arcana series, maybe find the card in your deck for inspiration.

If you’d like, set soft music or light a candle. Get out your journal. Make sure you take some time after this journal prompt and don’t rush in to the next plans for the day.

Find more tips to prepare for this journal prompt on Practicing Mindfulness from Gifted Health Care.

Connecting Strength to Shadow Work

strength tarot card and journal
Strength tarot card from Light Seers Tarot

The strength tarot card is all about not controlling others with your strength but being at peace with yourself. And controlling your inner self. Knowing you have the strength if you need it, but not forcing it upon yourself or others.

We need to harness this strength and use it within. There are so many negative thoughts going on within many of us at all times, and it’s time to take the lesson from this card and use that willful strength inside of ourselves to combat the negativities in our own mind.

Use this strength not only to take not of our self deprecating thoughts, but to transform them into a positive outlook and not constantly beating ourselves up.

This strength can be seen within ourselves. We have to fight for what we believe in, and work for what is best for us.

Background To This Prompt

A bit of background for this mindfulness journal prompt – (feel free to skip ahead)

my rune journal

I love quotes. Quotes are my everything. I used to have a quotes wall, and this prompt has been converted from that to a journal prompt!

A few years back, I was in a really dark place. And was laughing off all of the “positive” cheesy quotes that you see everywhere. The ones that semi-make sense, but I didn’t believe them at all.

So I decided to make it into an art project where I bashed all of these positive quotes. I spent hours writing them down the positive quotes fancily on nice paper with cute artwork on the pages. Then on small pieces of paper I cut out, I wrote out everything I didn’t believe about the quote. Or why it didn’t apply to me. Or what aspect of the quote hurt me.

wall of quotes
The original wall of quotes

I left these quotes up with all of the negativities for a while. But then I took the negative comments off. Mostly because I had people coming over and didn’t want them to see all of my pain literally written on the walls. I kept the positive quotes up.

Over time, I started to notice that the feeling of the quotes changed. I started to believe in them as I started believing in myself.

At one point, I put all of the negative comments back up. Just to see how I’d changed, and if my mindset had changed. And it had. I can still feel those negative thoughts inside of me and recognize where they come from, but also understand they don’t control me.

The Mindfulness Journal Prompt

the prompt on notebook and strength tarot card
Strength tarot card from Light Seers Tarot

The mindfulness journal prompt is to find quotes that are super positive and ones that stir a negative thought inside of yourself. Write the quotes in big, bold lettering. Choose 5-10 quotes, and write them down. Keep some space between them (at least a few lines) for the next part of the prompt.

(Scroll down for a long list of quotes, or if you want others, Goodreads is a good place to look for quotes!)

Second, write in a few sentences, why you disagree with the quote. What inside of you doesn’t believe the quote? Or just write the first thought that comes to the quote.

On the next fresh page, re-write the quotes. In bold lettering again, making them pop. This time you don’t need to leave room between the quotes. This is your positive page.

Flip through these pages to notice the difference. Think about why you don’t agree with the quote.

An important aspect of this prompt is to come back and look at it often as well. Then you can see the change happening where you become stronger and stand up for yourself.

Quick Example

A quick example (keep scrolling to see more examples): “I got my own back” – my responses: nobody else does; most of the time

Quote Ideas

Here are some quote ideas for the prompt. All of them have been chosen because I can think of a quick opposite response that comes up in my head when thinking about it.

"it is well" on piece of paper
  • Worry less
  • Be optimistic
  • You got this
  • You’ll get it eventually
  • We like you too 🙂
  • It is well
  • Do what makes you happy
"you are the change"
  • You are here
  • You are the change
  • Good vibes only
  • Passion led us here
  • Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations
  • Go up and never stop
  • This is the sign you’ve been looking for
  • Good news is coming
  • Happiness often sneaks in a door you did not think was open
  • Everything will be okay
  • “There is an old saying, ‘that a ship is safe in a harbor,’ but the truth is, that’s not what ships are for. And that’s not what WE are made for”
"you got this"
  • I am enough
  • I am important
  • “Accept everything about yourself – I mean everything. You are you and that is the beginning and the end – no apologies, and no regrets” – Henry Kissinger
  • Expressing myself freely to me and you
  • “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace” – Jimi Hendrix
  • Don’t wait for the rain to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.
  • Actions speak louder than words
  • Do something great
  • It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be.
  • Your vibe attracts your tribe
  • Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see it
  • There are two sides to every story
  • I got my own back – Maya Angelou
  • Break your heart, find your spine
"difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations"
  • “The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself. Unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward” – Dr. Steve Maraboli
  • “I’m not searching for my other half because I’m not a half”
  • “Build bridges, not walls”
  • “To become whole, first let yourself be broken”

My Example

This is a personal example of the journal prompt, in case you are stuck. I’ve only added a small example below, rather than writing out everything.

my example for journal prompt

I hope this was a helpful journal prompt for you on your journey to accepting your shadow self!

Are you looking for more journal prompts? This is one of a series of major arcana tarot card prompts that you can find here! If you’re just starting out and want an idea of how to create a spiritual journal, I have an entire article dedicated to it that you can read about!

Let me know what you thought of this by letting me know in the comments or sharing with me on Instagram @moonofgemini or #moonofgemini!

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Use the ideas of the strength tarot card in this shadow work journal prompt to help combat negative thoughts.
This mindfulness journal prompt is perfect for people who need inner strength to help themselves grow.
A mindfulness journal prompt based on the strength tarot card. Use quotes to fight your inner negative thoughts.