The 3 of wands typically depicts a person preparing for a journey, looking out at the path ahead. It seems to be one they are going on alone, but are ready to go forth. It’s an exciting journey that has been thoroughly prepared for and planned.
I suggest, while looking at this card description, you have your tarot deck in front of you and decide for yourself if you agree with the feelings on this page or if the card represents something entirely different to you.
*The image at the top of the page does not depict all of the feelings represented by a specific tarot deck! You can find other tarot card meanings here!
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A few words to describe the card:
Journey, solo travel, preparation
3 of Wands
This card typically depicts a person standing alone looking out at their path, or are already beginning their solo travel. This is a journey they are excited for, as in 2 of wands where they are looking out excitedly over the prospective journey. The difference in this card is that they are better prepared and are closer to starting. This could be physical travel, or it could represent a personal journey you’re going through within. It’s not something to jump straight into, but to plan and prepare for.
This is the card for getting ready for the day. Looking out at what might come in the near future. It may not always be the best, but hopefully overall a positive experience. It’s one you’re looking forward to.
If this is a mental journey, it’s one that you are prepared for. Not something that’s coming from out of the blue. This is one you go through on your own though. Not one that others can help you with, other than perhaps preparation. It’s time to focus inwards and on yourself.

Still Confused?
Still confused about the meanings of the cards? A few tools that have been really helpful for me have been: practice, taking the time to look at each card, read books like Tarot: Learn How to Read and Interpret the Cards by Kim Arnold. Or try out tarot spreads! Try doing a simple reading every day. The Labyrinthos app is really helpful too. Or try some that I’ve created by looking here: Tarot Spreads.