The 8 of swords tarot card is one of feeling trapped, and lost. You feel stuck and can’t find a way to escape.
I suggest, while looking at this card description, you have your tarot deck in front of you and decide for yourself if you agree with the feelings on this page or if the card represents something entirely different to you.
*The image at the top of the page does not depict all of the feelings represented by a specific tarot deck! You can find other tarot card meanings here!
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A few words to describe the card:
Trapped, stuck, can’t see the way out
8 of Swords
The 8 of Swords tarot card is one of feeling trapped. Of being stuck and unable to see a good way to go.
Often, the imagery on this 8 of swords tarot card is of a person blindfolded, surrounded by swords. They may also be tied up or stuck in a different manner. It looks as though they cannot move and are trapped.
When you have this tarot card in a reading, it can represent that you feel trapped, but you might have caused the entrapment without realizing it. You cannot find a way out of this mess.
Keep in mind when you see the 8 of swords, that as you’ve put yourself into this position, you can also remove yourself from it. Take off the blindfold and look for other directions to go.
There might be a different path you can take that you haven’t thought of. Take a breather, look around, and see what tools you have that you can use to free you from the whatever is trapping you.

Still Confused?
Still confused about the meanings of the cards? A few tools that have been really helpful for me have been: practice, taking the time to look at each card, read books like Tarot: Learn How to Read and Interpret the Cards by Kim Arnold. Or try out tarot spreads! Try doing a simple reading every day. The Labyrinthos app is really helpful too. Or try some that I’ve created by looking here: Tarot Spreads.
Want other comparisons of tarot cards? Find those here! It might help you better understand how tarot decks are different.