Full moons are beautiful, but also have a lot of meaning to them. It’s a time to set intentions and let them be known. These are 4 full moon rituals for you to choose from! You can do all of them, or only one. It’s really up to you.
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Full moons are cleansing, charging, and the best time to set intentions to focus on for the next cycle. Take this energy to recharge yourself alongside your crystals.

Everyone has varying amounts of time and energy that they can use on the full moon, so these full moon rituals are in order of shortest amount of time to longest (in my opinion) time required!
1. Charge And Cleanse Your Crystals And Other Tools

The moon is powerful with cleansing energies, so it’s a great idea to set out your crystals during a full moon. Place them out on a windowsill or somewhere they will have access to the night sky. Don’t worry if it’s a cloudy night, this will all still work!
Don’t limit this to just crystals! Place your pendulums, runes, tarot cards, oracle cards, and anything else you may want cleansed and charged near the moonlight.
Not only will the full moon cleanse the crystals of any negative energies that may be attached, but they will also be charged with all of this light from the moon.
These crystals and other tools will now be ready for being used again for this next cycle!
(You can also place crystals under different stages of the moon depending on the kind of energy you wish for them.)
This full moon ritual doesn’t take long, and is an easy way to ensure your crystals are being cleansed on a regular basis!
2. Create Your Intentions
This next full moon ritual is all about making and setting intentions for yourself. Every full moon is a great time to start on new goals and ideas. So if you miss it one month, try again the next month!
You can set an intention for just this coming moon cycle, or harness the full moon energy to create an idea that will take months, or even years to manifest.

Write down your idea. Say it out loud. Burn the note, or put it somewhere you’ll see it often. Or better yet, do all of these! Setting intentions isn’t just for the world to hear and you to forget about.
The best way to manifest your ideas and dreams are to actively remind yourself of them. If you keep remembering what you’re working towards, you’ll get there a lot sooner.
It’s not just up to the universe to take care of your dreams for you. But it can help if you put your goals out there. Let them be known, don’t hide them away or forget about them.
3. Tarot Spread
If you enjoy reading tarot, this is a great idea for full moon rituals! Figure out your intentions to set, and how this cycle is going to be with your tarot cards. Here’s a simple 4 card tarot spread for what you can work on for this next moon cycle.

Or if you want a different spread, I like using the Labyrinthos full moon spreads – and there’s a different spread depending on what sign the moon is currently in!
4. Journal

A simple full moon ritual could also be to journal. Write about something that was discussed above – either the tarot spread, what came out of that for you, or the intentions you wish to manifest.
Or pick a different topic to journal about! These are journal prompts for shadow work based of the major arcana cards. Use the energy from the moon to fuel your writing.
Decided what to do for full moon rituals? I try to do at least 2 of these each cycle. Let me know what you tried by tagging me on Instagram @moonofgemini or #moonofgemini!
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